Was there any studies done with tonal music influence on dopamine levels and remote viewing?

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Probably. They're not called Spooks for nothing

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I like new classical music. Atonal stuff seems like so much noise.

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I worked with Greenberg in NYC , having grown up in the middle of the Mary Meyer the Artist / CIA story . He guided me through modest success as a made man in the art world . His gig , the color field artists from DC Yada Yada . I did not really fit in with the other artists .. I was an observer . I have a photo of him ( Clem ) in Mary’s studio after my Dad , Bradlee , and Angleton demolished it looking for her diary .

My father was one of the Poet Spies who helped to publish Zhivago , from the Angleton stable . Age 11 I was grilling steaks with secret sauce out in Arlington for them as they discussed Ezra Pound .

I sat with J Edgar in his box at the races , vol 1 of my books being ‘ the chase ‘ to find his dress and shoes . Novelized .

Vol 2 does deeper Mary Meyers and JFK.

The bastard prince and beyond .

Just checking in .

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I'd really like to talk to you, Campbell, about this post. And I'd love to ask you about Clem and Mary Meyer. dandmcguire (a) gmail.com

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I lived with a Composer who was sponsored by the CIA in the Fifties for a concert in Greece.

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Interesting episode. Love the soothingly beautiful musical excerpt at the end too!

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The CIA wasn't interested in classical music per se ; they were merely trying to go after certain prominent American composers such as Aaron Copland because of their alleged "communist sympathies ".

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This article delves a bit deeper into the motivation behind the CCF's promotion of modernism: https://larouchepub.com/other/2004/site_packages/3125ccf_kulturkampf.html

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This article delves a bit deeper into the motivation behind the CCF's promotion of modernism: https://larouchepub.com/other/2004/site_packages/3125ccf_kulturkampf.html

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Was there any studies done with tonal music influence on dopamine levels and remote viewing?

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Was there any studies done with tonal music influence on dopamine levels and remote viewing?

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How would you describe the works of Anton Webern, who was accidentally shot by an American soldier September 15, 1945?

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Webern is known for atonal, serialist music, the very kind the CIA was pushing and which audiences have rejected despite being told that it is the future of music.

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Curious parellel with Abstract Expressionism, which CIA also sponsored and inflated on the art market. Also with Cornelius Cardew's book. 'Stockhausen Serves Imperialism', which, for all its dry Maoism, sussed correctly that the reactionary West used the avant garde to display the 'freedom' capitalism gives for self-expression. Not healthcare or housing, mind you, but freedom from the constraints of socialist realism.

Countries like Vietnam and Iran were not permitted to own their resources or elect their own governments, but the Shah was free to use his people's money to buy Andy Warhol paintings and stage John Cage concerts (ironically boycotted by the Persian students who would have been interested in the music, while the philistine Shah and his dope-peddling family sat through 4'33 or works for prepaired piano).

Your show is great! Really fascinating and wonderfully told!

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Jun 10, 2022
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Hi Cory, I am planning another podcast on this very subject. Still gathering my thoughts about this. If you have any ideas please forward them to me.

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Sep 10, 2022
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Hi Cory, my music actually does use elements from the past and combine them with elements of our times in the context of the classical genre of music. However, my opinion of the youtube video you direct me to above -- a Fred Astaire movie with a techno take on jazz --is that nothing was added there except a lack of subtlety and crassness that apparently appeals to many Youtube viewers judging from the huge number of views and likes. But then again, so would yet another cat video.

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